Stop Bullies Free Seminars
Enough is enough!
The Stop Bullies seminars educates and empowers young children against bullying.
The course gives young children the confidence to speak up and to know what to do in a bullying situation.
As a parent you want to know if something untoward is happening to your child and often you won't know until it has been happening for a while. We let your kids know that bullying is not right and it's something they shouldn't have to handle on their own. Bullying puts a lot of pressure on a child and we let them know that they need to tell their parents so the problem can sorted.
We also teach your child some basic fundamentals about body language, using your voice and looking out for potential dangerous situations to lessen the likelihood of being a victim of bullying.
We build their self esteem by doing some physical activity and show them a bit of self defence - with the knowlege that physical defence is only to be used in serious circumstances.
At the end of the course your child will have a good understanding of bully behaviour, how to avoid them and what to do if confronted by one.
Plus, we make the course fun and the kids really enjoy themselves.