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What People Say

Raniga Family

Hi David,

I just wanted to tell you how pleased we are to have joined this club and been a part of your team!!

It has been an amazing learning curve for the kids, in skills, friendships, team spirit, strength, responsibility, commitment, fun and self-confidence!

Thank you to all the team of leaders for running such a great program! 


Michele Raniga.

Hi David

Just wanted to provide some feedback re the red / red 2 class and it's lead instructor Ryleigh.

Ryleigh is such an asset to Team Tkd. You only need to watch a class to see how well respected she is. Everyone listens to her and takes on board any instruction / correction or feedback she provides. Ryleigh demonstrates to me a true martial artist with amazing skill and a dedicated attitude.  Jake loves having Ryleigh as his instructor and he and I both appreciate the one on one time she spends with him and the other students throughout a class. People are quick to complain at times and less likely to provide positive feedback. I've told Ryleigh I think she is awesome and her classes cater for all age levels and skill level within the classes. 

Way to go Ryleigh.

Cheers,  Jodie

Jodie McKenna
The Leahy Family

Hi David,
Just a brief note to express my appreciation for all the effort that went into Sunday’s grading and in particular to thank Shanice, Michael, and Tim for all their coaching, patience and invaluable advice this term.  They are great assets to your team.  It feels great to have that blue belt!
Also a big thank you to Ryleigh and Stephanie who have been terrific instructors and have very much championed Ronan and Conor into their next level. 
We tried two other tkd centres before finding Team TKD, but I wanted the boys to learn more than a martial art.  I’m so glad I kept looking.  The Team TKD ethos of “Champions for Life” is not a marketing brand, it’s the culture of the club and it shows.   This has been particularly evident in the younger instructors, such as Andrew, Sean and Jaidyn who have been so friendly to Ronan and Conor and have shown by their character and respect of themselves and others what it means to be a ‘champion’.  They are a great example to younger boys of what can be achieved with hard work and perseverance.
Looking forward to 2014.
All the best,  Alex Leahy

The Nicolson Family

Congratulations on your win at the business Achievers award, couldn't think of anyone who deserves it more, well done! You two are so inspiring, not just to our kids but to all of us.


Keep on Kicking!


Congrats again, from the Nicolson family:)

The Mitchell Family

Thanks so much for organising it (Team Tournament) David.

Great confidence building for the kids. Would have loved to have stayed the whole day and watched the other events but the boys had a good introduction into the world of tournaments.

It was good for them to watch the higher belts too and to see how interesting their poomsae were.

Hope you had fun!


The Giebeler Family

Hi David,

Here is a cute photo for you.

Team taekwondo is the BEST thing in Ben's life!!

This photo was taken on the day he turned TEN! Wow!

Thanks David,

From Carol Giebeler:) :)

The Pekol Family

Dear David

I have been meaning to drop you a line for a while now just to let you know how thankful Adam and I are for James' involvement in Team Tkd.

I think it's a real testament to you and Erin that the club has such a great group of members all with the same approach - to give your best and to enjoy it at the same time.

Seeing my 11 year old son train with the seniors a few years ago could have been rather stressful, but it was probably the best thing for James. The reason it was so positive was because of the calibre of the seniors he trains with. I could say that you are fortunate to have attracted such a good bunch of seniors, particularly the men, but the reality is that it has more to do with the standards and expectations that you set as the leader.

Knowing that your teenage son has some excellent male role models outside his family group is a real bonus.

Cheers, Liza.

The Watson Family

Good morning David,

I would just like to say a big thank you to yourself and Erin for all the hard work you put into teaching our children. Harry just loves coming to class every week and is so excited still about recieving his yellow belt. He has show and tell today and of course he has taken his yellow belt and grading book to talk about

Could I please book Harry into the bully defence course if possible as he would love to go.

Thank you again for helping Harry to have some confidence and making his time at Team Taekwondo so very happy.


Hi David.

As a spectator yesterday was awesome!!! It was a very exciting experience for me, my hands were sore by the end of the day! I'm glad you took part because watching you was a highlight and it was also good for the kids to watch the black belt master in action. Samara was in awe of you and has set her sights to be like you!

Samara was so nervous in the morning, so much so that she didn't want to have breakfast, i couldn't even tempt her with Mcdonalds! Even though she didn't want to participate she did it for me, what a trooper! But after the poomsae she was stoked, said she really enjoyed herself and was happy to come back for the jump kick.....and wasn't she impressive?? I've never seen her kick so high before! She was very proud of herself and I'm very proud of my little girl.


The Behrendt Family
The Silvestri Family

Hi David,

I just wanted to send you this to let you know what a great job you all do. Being the first grading I have been to it was run so professionally and was so proud of all of the kids. We wanted to say a special thank you for Ella's trophy it was such a great surprise. She (as well as mum) was nervous on Sunday morning going to grading. She absolutely loves the sport and does hope to be a black belt one day and with your guidence she, as you say, can do anything....

Kind regards

Belinda Silvestri

Hi David

Congratulations on a fabuluos day, the tournament was a pleasure to watch. I love the way Team Taekwondo inspires confidence in each member. The confidence and character building in some of the younger members that have started with you from a young age is a credit to you.

Cheers, Sue.

The Power Family
The Ferraro Family

Hello David 

We would like to thank you for being so dedicated in teaching our children a life time skill. Both Macy and Zali thoroughly enjoy the challenge every lesson and look forward to attending classes.

The Ferraro family.

The Bull Family

Having been a Team Tkd parent of 3 children for a few years, I was most impressed with the development of my children as they progressed through to their current rankings. I have seen a marked increase in their physical fitness, self confidence and also their self control. All my children are part of a supportive, participative and encouraging environment where they are not afraid to make an attempt, regardless of whether they will succeed or fail.

Darren Bull

The Calabro Family

Dear David,

Just a quick thank you for a wonderful day that was organised by yourselves at Wet'n'Wild....the Calabro family all had a fantastic day.

We have been really impressed since the children joined in August this year. Your dedication is amazing and a true credit to you both.

Regards, Lucy Calabro

Michael Creek

Dear David

I’m writing you to thank you and all the team at Teamtkd for the wonderful experience that you all have given and continue to give to our son Daniel.

When Daniel was about 5, his Occupation Therapist recommended either gymnastics, dance or martial arts to continue Daniel’s development.  We rejected martial arts as an option because of some bad experiences at Daniel’s then primary school (basically kids acting out).  Last year, however, we joined teamtkd and since then we have been very happy with our son’s progress.  His ability to concentrate, his physical conditioning, his gross motor skills, his balance and his ability to relate to others have all improved greatly.  Daniel loves Taekwondo.  He wants to continue to black belt and further.  All of this is not happening by chance, but because of the nature of the program that your team has developed and because of the personal qualities of the instructors.

In particular I want to single out his yellow belt instructors. All of them were wonderful, but Riley as chief instructor (or Sabonim) and Sean as her offsider were  great.  Riley created the atmosphere where the kids had fun doing all the activities within a structure of mutual respect and discipline (mostly self-discipline).  Kids being kids, they all went through highs and lows, but Riley and Sean noticed when they were down and gave emotional support to the kids when it was needed.  The little personal touches of being welcomed to the Dojang with a big smile and a hello, or a quiet word after the class, saying “good work today, Daniel” all help to create the feeling of being seen as a person.  

Even after the blue belt grading, Riley came up to Daniel and said something like “Great poomsae today, the best you’ve done.  Did you practice at home? “.

Thanks to all at Teamtkd and see you at the Jang.

Michael Creek

Instructor Stehanie

I just want to say we've been bringing Ryley for about 5 weeks now and he absolutely LOVES Ninja School - Stephanie is brilliant with the kids (endless patience) - it is such a pleasure to watch my boy enjoying something that I know is so good for him on so many levels. Ryley truly believes he is a ninja - it's gold!

Cheers, Brenda

Marcus Bowra

Hi David, I would like to take the opportunity of providing some feedback on the Team Taekwondo grading Camp which completed today. Ryleigh and Shanice demonstrated excellent leadership and professionalism in instructing a quite varied class consisting of multiple belt levels and age groups. Both of your instructors have very credible technical skills which you would expect but I was surprised at their level of expertise in passing these skills on to others and well as their maturity and patience in their dealings with such a wide age group. They overcame obstacles with injuries, external contractors, and students who learn at different speeds. They are a credit to themselves, your school, and to Taekwondo. Kind regards… Marcus Bowra. 

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